Pest Index Mosquitoes

Pest Description

Mosquitoes are tiny parasitic flies that suck the blood of humans and animals alike. They are common in warm, humid areas and are seeing increased numbers following mild winters that would usually reduce them. Due to feeding on humans and animals, they can act as a vessel of transferring deadly diseases, including Malaria and Zika Virus, to humans like sharing a needle. There is a disputed claim that almost half all people who have lived, 53.5 billion, have died of some form of mosquito-spread disease, making them the deadliest animal on Earth.


  • Small, red, itchy bites on skin
  • 0.4 in. length


  • West Nile Virus
  • Zika Virus
  • Malaria
  • Chikungunya Virus
  • Dengue Virus
  • Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus
  • Japanese Encephalitis Virus
  • La Crosse Encephalitis
  • St. Louis Encephalitis
  • Yellow Fever

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